Malcolm’s now in the Lodge…or Point Piper…or Kirribilli…basically, wherever Lucy says he should be and the grumpiness of Tones, Jules and Kev has been replaced by smooth smiles.

One of the oft-quoted phrases of the media, the cuckolded Conservatives and the Laborites is that the party has simply hired ‘a better salesman’… as if that’s a bad thing.

Why is a better salesman seen as pejorative, something to be sneered at and derided?

We all know the legacy of purveyors of snake oil, used cars and aluminium siding has not painted the word ‘sales’ with golden flourishes…but it’s 2015 on my clock.

A better sales person is absolutely critical, not only in Government but in business to deliver results, create aspirational goals, create positive change and persuade people that there are more possibilities than they might have imagined.

Only a week into Malcolm’s reign and the tumbleweeds of Rudd’s verbosity have cleared. The memory of Julia’s Thunderbirds marionette messaging is fading and Tony’s monotonous, stilted, scripted, cautious hesitancy has gone to our eternal relief.

Turnbull communicates like a better salesman should including :

Actually having a real two way conversation with interviewers, media and commentators

Not being defensive and using humor – he happily admitted he has a rowing machine like House of Cards’ Frank Underwood

Being balanced about the good in others’ points, rather than blindly attacking

Being someone who is comfortable in their own skin

Not being fazed by people trying to grab ‘gotcha’ moments. He knows it’s their job.

Communicating his view and vision without scripted repetition

Being personable, often talking openly about his family, his weekend with his grandson and wife

Knowing when to lead the conversation and when to listen

Being bold enough to go for the deal in the first place, when there’s an incumbent.

Better salesmanship should not be seen as pejorative.

Let’s reclaim the word ‘sales’ as a force for good.

We have enough proof that having ‘non-sales’ leaders makes us feel like staying in bed and waiting for the weather to change.

We need professional, intelligent, articulate, conversational people to create genuine hope for success.

Ultimately, like anyone in politics, we will have to wait to see the results but until then, Malcolm ‘Keep Selling’.

Elliot Epstein is CEO of Salient Communication and is a sought after keynote speaker, pitch consultant and corporate coach who gets sales results rapidly. He has coached and trained high profile corporates globally in presenting, selling, negotiating and pitching. He has spoken at over 1500 conferences and workshops for leading companies such as HP, SEEK, Avaya, Hitachi , Computershare and CUB.

He is internationally renowned for coaching leaders, sales professionals and subject matter experts to win.

Elliot is based in Melbourne where he lives with his wife and two expensive children.