It’s likely the numbers of people working from home will grow faster than a politician’s nose during a crisis.

As a long term aficionado of the home desk, home coffee machine and fluffy Groodle as an EA, here are my top five tips if you’re about to discover this brave new world.

1. Pants or no Pants.

It’s a big decision to make, as comfort is very important in order to be productive. PJ’s, shorts, yoga pants with a business shirt on top are all fine choices. It will give you a sense of being in business mode, whilst harbouring a naughty, comfy secret.

2. Video Conferencing Behaviour (1)

Check that your camera isn’t picking up that wall photo of you and your spouse skinny dipping in the Maldives or your bookshelf with five bent copies of ‘Kama Sutra for Dummies’

3. Video Conferencing Behaviour (2)

Walk the dog early, tire your pooch out to reduce barking and antsy behaviour.

Don’t tell your parents, grandma or best friend that you’re working from home. Otherwise someone will ring the doorbell unannounced with a quiche you don’t want, setting off the dog and disrupting the meeting. Yes, your colleague or client will say they understand, but secretly they’ll be pissed off.

4. Video Conferencing Behaviour (3)

Use it. Whether it’s Zoom, Webex, GotoMeeting or just Facetime on your phone, just do it.

There is a tendency for people to default to email or audio only and feel like it’s not necessary or weird to VC a client for a 10 minute call. Get over any unease about frequent face to face meetings via technology. You don’t need to look like your airbrushed Instagram page. Just be you and make the call.

5. Coaching via Video Conferencing.

Use this time to keep deals, strategies and opportunities alive. I’m still coaching live with small teams and running highly interactive sales, negotiation training and pitch consulting via VC. In fact, focused VC sessions are often providing results faster because of narrowing the objective to: Just Win This Deal.

You can even book your own package of tailored video training sessions with me here:

So, get your Activewear on (or not) and get active, Yes, the world is very different right now, but doing nothing won’t help.


Elliot Epstein is a leading Pitch Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Corporate Sales, Negotiation and Presentation trainer who gets sales results rapidly. He has coached and trained high profile corporates globally in presenting, selling, negotiating and pitching. He has spoken at over 1500 conferences and workshops for leading companies such as HP, SEEK, Avaya, Hitachi , Asciano, Samsung and Lend Lease

He is the author of # 1 International Best Seller ‘ Confessions of a Pitch Consultant‘ and Sales Vs Procurement – The Secrets Unveiled at the Negotiation Table and is internationally renowned for ensuring sessions are engaging, interactive and relevant to winning business in competitive markets.

Elliot is based in Melbourne where he lives with his wife and two negotiators.